Another example for the Arduino Esplora, we will read the value from the slider and play a tone based on that from the buzzer. You can see the location of these parts in the picture of the Esplora underneath This …
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This example will display the temperature on an LCD connected to an Arduino Esplora Code [cpp] #include <Esplora.h> #include <TFT.h> #include <SPI.h> char tempCelsius[3]; char tempFahrenheit[3]; void setup() { //setup the LCD EsploraTFT.begin(); EsploraTFT.background(0,0,0); EsploraTFT.stroke(255,255,255); EsploraTFT.setTextSize(2); EsploraTFT.text(“Celsius”,0,0); EsploraTFT.text(“Fahrenheit”,0,60); } void …
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