The sensor is mainly used for the detection of formaldehyde, toluene, benzene and other VOC gas. The sensor is a type of semiconductor products, widely used in equipment, ventilation equipment, ventilation fan, air filter, hood, hood etc..With high sensitivity and …
In this article we look at a pair of modules that can be used for communication between 2 Arduino’s. These are a 315Mhz transmitter and receiver module, they are very similar to the 433Mhz modules we looked at in a …
In this article we look at a tilt sensor – this time its the RPI-1031 and we will connect it to an Arduino The RPI-1031 tilt sensor is capable of sensing a change in orientation in four different directions: forward, back, …
In this article we look at another digital humidity sensor – this time its the SHTC1 and we will connect it to an Arduino The SHTC1 is a digital humidity sensor designed especially for high-volume consumer electronics applications. This humidity …
In this article we look at a pressure sensor – this time its the LPS25H The LPS25H is an ultra-compact absolute piezoresistive pressure sensor. It includes a monolithic sensing element and an IC interface able to take the information from …
In this article we look at a BH1745NUC Luminance and Colour Sensor and connect it to an Arduino The BH1745NUC is digital color sensor IC with I²C bus interface. This IC senses Red, Green and Blue light (RGB) and converts them …
In this article we look at an electret microphone which uses a MAX4466 op amp – you can buy these max4466 modules Lets look at what Maxim say about the MAX4466 The MAX4465–MAX4469 are micropower op amps optimized for use as …
In this article we look at an FSR from Open Smart – here is the information I have found on this module FSRs are basically a resistor that changes its resistive value (in ohms Ω) depending on how much it …