In this article we look at creating and displaying custom characters on an I2C 16×2 LCD to an Arduino, we chose an Arduino Uno but there is no reason this will not work with a different Arduino board. This can …
In this article we connect a TLV493D magnetic sensor to an Arduino Uno – other arduino boards should be Ok as well Sensor Information The 3D magnetic sensor TLV493D offers accurate three-dimensional sensing with extremely low power consumption in a …
In this article we will control the built in LED on an Arduino using Python. Python will be running on the desktop PC and we will be sending simple commands via the serial port to the Arduino. You can hook …
In this example we connect a L3G4200D three-axis gyroscope module to an Arduino Uno First lets look at some information about the sensor from the manufacturer The L3G4200D is a low-power three-axis gyroscope providing three different user selectable full scales …
In this article we take a look at a development board that may be ideal for people who want to get started with an Arduino, its called the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino. Lets take a look at the kit, …
In this example we connect a vibration motor module to an Arduino Uno. This is the type of motor that you could find in a mobile phone which vibrates when you receive a text message for example, also commonly used …
In this article we look at a ambient light digital 16-bit resolution sensor – this time its the VEML7700 and we will connect it to our Arduino Uno This is the sensor that I bought for this Lets look at …
In this article we look at another light-to-digital converter – this time its the TSL2591 and we will connect it to an Arduino Uno First lets look at the sensor The TSL2591 is a very high sensitivity light-to-digital converter that …