In this example we will connect a 7 segment display to an Arduino Schematic Code [c] const int A = 4; const int B = 5; const int C = 6; const int D = 7; const int E = …
In this example we connect an LDR to analog 0 and depending on the value read in we then vary the brightness of an LED connected to Pin 9 using PWM. The input read from the analog pins will be …
This code snippet will get the button value and display the value on the 7 Segment LED and the LEDs Code [c] #include <TM1638.h> // define a module on data pin 8, clock pin 9 and strobe pin 10 TM1638 …
When I was browsing various web sites to see what electronic components to buy one day I noticed some interesting little kits comprising of switches, LEDs and a couple of 4 digit seven segment displays saw I decided to purchase …
Taking our hello world I2C OLED example a bit further, this is our next creation. We connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor and display the temperature on the display Coding You need to download and install various libraries and copy them …
Just recently I spotted various I2C OLED displays on sale at reasonable prices and fancied trying to connect these up one of my Arduino’s. Being relatively small size, requiring only 2 connections SDA and SCL from the Arduino but still …
This shield got my attention as it looked like a nice beginners learning type shield with which you could get up and running with an Arduino Here is a picture of the board, a few code examples are available later …
Another MAX7219 example using random numbers to randomly light an LED in the matrix, you may want to increase the delay Download and install the LedControl Arduino library as it is essential for using the MAX7219. Code [c] #include “LedControl.h” …