I decided to use Johnny-five (http://johnny-five.io/) , we were having a play about with Javascript. In this example I wanted see how easy it was to write something on an LCD, to be eact I would be using an LCD keypad …
This was a module that I bought called the SPI RGB 5V 4xSMD 5050 LED Light Module for Arduino. Sadly I could not find a great deal of information for it but eventually got it to work. Looking at the …
In a previous example we used the 4067 to flash some LEDs – Arduino and 4067 LED example but you can also use the CD74HC4067 multiplexer / demultiplexer to read analog values from all 16 channels. This gives you the ability …
The MLX90614 is a non-contact infrared thermometer with a measurement range from -70 to +380 degree Celsius. Just connect the four leads to your Arduino and you will have a accurate thermometer with a resolution of 0.01 and a accuracy …
The PCF8574 is an 8 bits I/O port expander that uses the I2C protocol. Using this IC, you can use only the SDA and SCL pins of your Arduino board to control up to 8 digital I/O ports. This 8-bit …
This was a module based on the TM1638 IC that I purchased. The imprtant connections are as follows data pin 3 clock pin 2 strobe pin 5 I decided to create an example that would display the button pressed on …
I fancied trying the https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/CapacitanceMeter , to look at the theory visit that page. I was wanting to see how accurate this is and also wanted to test this on other variants such as the Chipkit and the MSP_EXP430G2 to …
In this example I connect a TTP224 4-CHANNEL CAPACITIVE TOUCH module that I bought recently to an Arduino. This capacitive module offers 4 touch pads, here is a picture of this Schematic We connect the 4 outputs to Arduino …