• Basics

    Arduino and C# example

    by shedboy71

    Its a fairly simple process to connect your Arduino to your PC and write an appilcation to interact with your hardware. You will need the usual Arduino hardware, IDE and in this case an LED connected to the board. For …

  • Shields

    Clock shield

    by shedboy71

    Clock Shield I chose this shield, not because you can actually use this as a clock but because of the various features that are available for beginners to experiment, here is what is available on the shield Piezo Buzzer An …

  • This shield got my attention as it looked like a nice beginners learning type shield with which you could get up and running with an Arduino Here is a picture of the board, a few code examples are available later …

  • Another MAX7219 example using random numbers to randomly light an LED in the matrix, you may want to increase the delay Download and install the LedControl Arduino library as it is essential for using the MAX7219. Code [c] #include “LedControl.h” …

  • Code

    MAX7219 example

    by shedboy71

    The first thing you will need is to download and install the LedControl Arduino library as it is essential for using the MAX7219.   Code [c] #include “LedControl.h” //  need the library LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,1); // // pin 12 is connected …

  • In this example we use the ethernet shield again but this time we connect an RGB led to pins 6, 7 and 8   Code [c] #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a …

  • Projects

    Temperature logger

    by shedboy71

    In this example we will add a DS18B20 temperature sensor and an SD card. We will then log the results of the sensor to a file on the SD Card called temp.txt.   Layout Code You need to download 2 …

  • Basics

    SD card example

    by shedboy71

    In this example we connect an SD card to our Arduino, we will log analog readings to a file on the SD card. Here is the layout   Code [c] #include <SD.h> const int chipSelect = 4; void setup() { …

  • Code

    Serial monitor input

    by shedboy71

    This was a simple example to show sending information using the serial monitor, in our other examples we have generally used the serial monitor for debug, outputting messages. This example basically switches on red, green or blue on a tri-color …

  • The MMA7455 accelerometer is a sensor that can measure acceleration in three axes. This sensor is commonly available as a breakout board that you can connect to your Arduino. It requires VCC, GND , SCA and SCL to be connected. …