• Code

    LCD4884 counting example

    by shedboy71

    A simple example to count to 10000 and display this on an LCD4884 shield Code [c] #include “LCD4884.h” #define MENU_X  10      // 0-83 #define MENU_Y  1       // 0-5 int counter = 0; char string[10]; void setup() { lcd.LCD_init(); lcd.LCD_clear(); init_MENU(); …

  • Code

    Arduino PWM example

    by shedboy71

    In this example we connect an LDR to analog 0 and depending on the value read in we then vary the brightness of an LED connected to Pin 9 using PWM. The input read from the analog pins will be …

  • A keypad is a nice simple method of accepting user input into your project. These come in a number of styles and generally there are 2 types a 3×4 keypad and a 4×4 keypad. The numbers stand for the rows …

  • Another TM1638 example, this time when you press a button a random sequence of LEDs will be lit The previous project is here for connection information Code [c] #include <TM1638.h> // define a module on data pin 8, clock pin …

  • This code snippet will get the button value and display the value on the 7 Segment LED and the LEDs Code [c] #include <TM1638.h> // define a module on data pin 8, clock pin 9 and strobe pin 10 TM1638 …

  • When I was browsing various web sites to see what electronic components to buy one day I noticed some interesting little kits comprising of switches, LEDs and a couple of 4 digit seven segment displays saw I decided to purchase …

  • Basics

    Interfacing the 74HC595

    by shedboy71

    Sometimes in your projects you simply do not have enough I/O lines available, take for example a lot of the multiple LED examples, these use 8 outputs to control 8 LEDs via your Arduino UNO, that can restrict the amount of …

  • Code

    Connect a tilt switch

    by shedboy71

    In this example we connect a tilt switch up to Pin 2 and connect an LED to pin 3, when we move the tilt switch the LED will light   Code [c] const int tiltPin = 2; // the number …

  • Hardware

    Sensor Module Kit

    by shedboy71

    Sensor Module Kit This was a kit that I spotted that I thought would be useful for little experiments, as you can see from the listing below there are a variety of useful little modules. Here is a picture of …

  • Taking our hello world I2C OLED example a bit further, this is our next creation. We connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor and display the temperature on the display Coding You need to download and install various libraries and copy them …

  • Just recently I spotted various I2C OLED displays on sale at reasonable prices and fancied trying to connect these up one of my Arduino’s. Being relatively small size, requiring only 2 connections SDA and SCL from the Arduino but still …