• Convert an int to a string with base examples [cpp] void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int i = 524; Serial.println(“String(i) = ” + String(i)); Serial.println(); Serial.println(“String(i, BIN) = ” + String(i, BIN)); Serial.println(“String(i, HEX) = ” + …

  • This example will display the temperature on an LCD connected to an Arduino Esplora Code [cpp] #include <Esplora.h> #include <TFT.h> #include <SPI.h> char tempCelsius[3]; char tempFahrenheit[3]; void setup() { //setup the LCD EsploraTFT.begin(); EsploraTFT.background(0,0,0); EsploraTFT.stroke(255,255,255); EsploraTFT.setTextSize(2); EsploraTFT.text(“Celsius”,0,0); EsploraTFT.text(“Fahrenheit”,0,60); } void …

  • In this example we will show a basic stepper motor example, we use a driver board that can be bought on many sites which basically comprises of a ULN2003 IC and a few other components, you can use either 5v …

  • The Rainbowduino can be use to drive 8×8 RGB Led Matrices or a 4x4x4 RGB LED Cube in common Anode mode. Its a nice board for practicing some programming skills, in particular loops. The example below shows some randomised colors Here …

  • This is a 3-wire Serial LCD Module example connected to an Arduino uno, I bought this as part of a kit there was an Arduino Uno and a couple of different LCDs but I always had trouble getting this one working. Its …

  • In this example I added an onboard 5v regulator and electrolytic capacitors to the existing no PSU design Assembly List Label Part Type Properties C1 Ceramic Capacitor package 200 mil [THT, multilayer]; capacitance 22pF; voltage 6.3V C2 Ceramic Capacitor package …

  • More info on the Arduino Yun can be found at the http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardYun?from=Products.ArduinoYUN Arduino Yun pinout This is a fantastic pinout, I advise you to visit the site listed in the image and purchase the book with the pinouts Arduino Yun …

  • Recently I purchased a bunch of Arduino Nano clones that were labelled as DCCduino.Lets look at the board I decided to give one of these try, plugged it in and the device was unrecognised in Windows, I use Windows 7 …

  • In this example we connect an LCD4884 shield to our Arduino and then we connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor to Pin 9 and we will display the temperature in celsius and fahrenheit. Code Here is the code You need to …