In this example I wanted to compare the readings of a DHT11 and a DHt22 (AM2032) temperature sensor. The sensors were positioned side by side with the same length of wire connecting them to my Arduino. Basically i was keeping the conditions as similar as possible.
This also shows how to connect 2 of these types of sensors.
The DHT11 costs about $1 using the links at the bottom, the DHT22 costs $5. So as you can see there is also a price difference that you may consider.
Here is a simple schematic showing both devices connected to your Arduino
This uses the adafruit DHT library
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include "DHT.h" //DHT11 #define DHTPIN11 6 // what pin we're connected to #define DHTTYPE11 DHT11 // DHT 11 DHT dht11(DHTPIN11, DHTTYPE11); //DHT22 #define DHTPIN22 7 // what pin we're connected to #define DHTTYPE22 DHT22 // DHT 22 DHT dht22(DHTPIN22, DHTTYPE22); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); dht11.begin(); dht22.begin(); } void loop() { // Wait a few seconds between measurements. delay(2000); // Read DHT11 temperature as Celsius float tempDHT11 = dht11.readTemperature(); // Check if readings have failed if (isnan(tempDHT11)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT 11 sensor!"); return; } Serial.print("DHT11 Temperature: "); Serial.print(tempDHT11); Serial.println(" *C "); // Read DHT22 temperature as Celsius float tempDHT22 = dht22.readTemperature(); // Check if readings have failed if (isnan(tempDHT22)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT 22 sensor!"); return; } Serial.print("DHT22 Temperature: "); Serial.print(tempDHT22); Serial.println(" *C "); }
This was the output from the serial monitor, as you can see a slight difference in the readings
DHT11 Temperature: 26.00 *C
DHT22 Temperature: 25.40 *C
DHT11 Temperature: 26.00 *C
DHT22 Temperature: 25.40 *C
DHT11 Temperature: 26.00 *C
DHT22 Temperature: 25.40 *C
DHT11 Temperature: 26.00 *C
DHT22 Temperature: 25.40 *C
DHT11 Temperature: 26.00 *C
DHT22 Temperature: 25.40 *C
1x DHT11 DHT-11 Digital Temperature and Humidity Temperature sensor with Cable for Arduino
DHT22 Digital Humidity AM2302 and Temperature Sensor Module For Arduino