This example was for an RGB Led display I saw. It contains 8 led's, 3 control lines for the red, green and blue and also requires a 5v connection. The LEDs are common cathode types so a low (0v) switches them on and a high (5v) switches them off.
So a lot of pins required for an Arduino Uno out of the box. Its quite a niche little product but if you wanted a bar of RGB led's this could be an effective solution
Here is a picture of the module
Vcc – Arduino 5v
D0 – D7 -> Connect these to Arduino pins 2 to 9
R, G, B -> Connect these to Arduino pins 10 to 12
Simple example that cycles through the red, green and blue colours. You could add more colours, have different effects and so on.
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
void setup() { //all pins are outputs and we are using 2 to 13 for (int x =2;x<13;x++) { pinMode(x,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(x,HIGH); } } void loop() { blue(); cycle(); green(); cycle(); red(); cycle(); } void blue() { digitalWrite(12,LOW); } void green() { digitalWrite(11,LOW); } void red() { digitalWrite(10,LOW); } void cycle() { for(int x=2;x<10;x++) { digitalWrite(x,LOW); delay(500); digitalWrite(x,HIGH); } digitalWrite(10,HIGH); digitalWrite(11,HIGH); digitalWrite(12,HIGH); }
The module comes in at the $5 mark
Full Color LED Module / SCM light water