In a previous example we took a look at the HDC1008 – http://www.arduinolearning.com/code/hdc1008-sensor-example.php
This example used a library from Adafruit but we wanted to show you how to do the same thing with no libraries., here is a reminder of how to connect the HDC1008 to your Arduino
[codesyntax lang=”python”]
#include<Wire.h> // HDC1008 I2C address is 0x40(64) #define hdcAddr 0x40 void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); // Starts I2C communication Wire.beginTransmission(hdcAddr); // Select configuration register Wire.write(0x02); // Temperature, humidity enabled, resolultion = 14-bits, heater on Wire.write(0x30); // Stop I2C Transmission Wire.endTransmission(); delay(300); } void loop() { unsigned int data[2]; Wire.beginTransmission(hdcAddr); // Send temp measurement command Wire.write(0x00); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(500); // Request 2 bytes of data Wire.requestFrom(hdcAddr, 2); // Read 2 bytes of data for temperature if (Wire.available() == 2) { data[0] = Wire.read(); data[1] = Wire.read(); } int temp = (data[0] * 256) + data[1]; float celsTemp = (temp / 65536.0) * 165.0 - 40; float fahrTemp = celsTemp * 1.8 + 32; Wire.beginTransmission(hdcAddr); // Send humidity measurement command Wire.write(0x01); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(500); // Request 2 bytes of data Wire.requestFrom(hdcAddr, 2); // Read 2 bytes of data to get humidity if (Wire.available() == 2) { data[0] = Wire.read(); data[1] = Wire.read(); } // Convert the data float humidity = (data[0] * 256) + data[1]; humidity = (humidity / 65536.0) * 100.0; Serial.print("Humidity : "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %RH"); Serial.print("Celsius : "); Serial.print(celsTemp); Serial.println(" C"); Serial.print("Fahrenheit : "); Serial.print(fahrTemp); Serial.println(" F"); delay(500); }
HDC1008 Temperature Humidity Sensor Breakout Board for Arduino