I bought a low cost motor shield and a cheap micro servo on ebay, in this example I will show the parts I bought, how to connect them and show some basic code on how to drive the servo. Here …
This is a 3-wire Serial LCD Module example connected to an Arduino uno, I bought this as part of a kit there was an Arduino Uno and a couple of different LCDs but I always had trouble getting this one working. Its …
In this example we connect a DHT11 sensor our Arduino, again we will display the temperature and this time the humidity as well on our LCD4884 shield. In this example we connected the data pin of the DHT11 to Pin …
In this example we connect an LCD4884 shield to our Arduino and then we connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor to Pin 9 and we will display the temperature in celsius and fahrenheit. Code Here is the code You need to …
In this example we will connect a 7 segment display to an Arduino Schematic Code [c] const int A = 4; const int B = 5; const int C = 6; const int D = 7; const int E = …
In this example we connect an LDR to analog 0 and depending on the value read in we then vary the brightness of an LED connected to Pin 9 using PWM. The input read from the analog pins will be …
This code snippet will get the button value and display the value on the 7 Segment LED and the LEDs Code [c] #include <TM1638.h> // define a module on data pin 8, clock pin 9 and strobe pin 10 TM1638 …
In this example we connect a tilt switch up to Pin 2 and connect an LED to pin 3, when we move the tilt switch the LED will light Code [c] const int tiltPin = 2; // the number …